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Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Few Realizations

I've come to realize a few things today. Here they are, for your enlightenment/knowlege/entertainment/whatever. Enjoy.

Number One: There are three musical groups that I can think of that aren't recognized nearly enough. The first two are Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls. They need to make a come back. Really, I loved their music when they were "in style" (or "not in style" as some people thought then), and I realized that I still love it. I still know most of the words, and wow, they are pro. Go go go boy bands. (N*Sync was/is pro too). Spice Girls got me jumpin, although I really didnt know too many of their songs. The last artist that I just absolutely love is Yanni. I dont even know what the guy looks like, assuming that it IS a guy, or that he is even Asian or not, but wow. Let me tell you, there really isnt anything else like his stuff. His music is so pro. Right now I'm listening to "True Nature" and its just like, "wow, this is pro." Seriously, if any of you have Limewire, get on there and search for it, or some of his other good ones like "Quiet Man" or "The Mermaid". "Flight of Fantasy" is the coolest song of his though, by far. If you don't have Limewire, or any other way to hear that song, then ask me, and I'll send you it. Its great. Its very relaxing stuff, and its very fun to listen to. Great sound. He (she? Probably he...) need to be to listened to a lot more, cus its just too good.

Anyway, moving on.

Number Two: There is something magical about region dances. It could be the heat of the room, or the smell; or the masses of people who feel either out place or all over the place; or it could be the lighting and the refreshments. These things all bring magic to the dance, along with line dances such as Cotton Eyed Joe (h), classic songs like Forever Young, and DJ's that you can't understand, but who you know are out there. However, I've come to realize that these things are all just there to add to one final, determining factor of a region dance: the beautiful, modest girls. It is the girls that are so happy to be there, who somehow overcome their repulsion of one such as I to dance with one such as I, whether it be on or off the stage. I gotta say, a modest girl has got to be at the top of my ideal social caste, while guys like me are the untouchables in the doung heap, only looking up to what they can bring to a dance. Good work girls, stay modest, you really are the hottest.

Number Three: School musicals have great potential. Right now, in Seussical, I don't think there is much that we could do as a whole cast to improve the performance level much higher. I think we are all over the situation for the most part, with some minor bumps and rough spots here and there that are overall insigificant. We put on a good performance, and as far as high school musicals go, I really think we are nearly top notch. However, there is one major setback to all of this; the one and only thing that would completely change the outcome of our school plays exponentially would have to be the sound system. My family came to see it last night, and when I asked them how they liked it, they said, "I loved it, except for I couldn't undertand 3/4ths of what was being said." At the end of the play, all they could say was, "the music was great, I loved the props and outfits, and it was way cute". When I asked them how they liked the story, or if they liked how Yurtle the Turtle was the judge, or anything like that, they would reply, "I still don't think I know the story....wait, Yurtle the Turtle was in it?" Seriously folks, this is such a setback. From where I sit in the pit (yeeeaaaah buddy), I can hear 95% of the words (4% of which I can't hear because I'm playing my Bari as loud as I can). I can hear the story, the song lyrics, the emotions of the actors, etc. very well. I can vouch for them, they are pretty dang good at what they are doing. If we had a good sound stystem, everyone would be getting the show that I'm getting every time. They would be smiling and giggling like a little girl (like I always am) at all the child-like fantasies that would be unveiled to them, if only they could hear the words. People would be bobbing their heads, enjoying the words and beat of the music, and maybe even dancing like crazy (again, like I always am) while watching the play. Its such a shame, such a shame. If only, if only, eh?

Anywhom, those are my thoughts for the night. Its getting late, and I've got school and a musical to put on tomorrow. Yayz0rz, I'm excited, yea verily. Nighty night all.


At 9:38 PM , Blogger Nick said...

Yeah, okay, I'll agree with you on the last two, because some of backstreet boys is okay, I don't like the spice girls, and who the heck is yanni?

But anyway, I'm always intimidated at region dances. Because seriously, how many non-Mormons go to those? Not a lot. It doesn't seem to matter, but I'm always afraid I'm going to get called out 'cause I write "non-member" on the paper.

I (l) Seussical. It's great. Even if I can't always hear what's going on (okay, 3/4 of the time, since that's how much I'm playing), it's great, just the costumes and direction and the job the actors do. Go go go everyone who worked on it.

At 9:51 PM , Blogger M-smash said...

Yanni is a guy with long hair. I like his music too. He looks like Mr. Clawson.

-mahllay mollaymollaymollay

PS I have a Yanni Cd.

At 10:50 PM , Blogger Nathan said...

Molly took my Yanni answer. :-P

Anyway, I totally forgot how fun region dances were until last night. Maybe it was the foray into activities that I once participated in regularly... or maybe it was the fact that I had a camera. Either way, it was magical. Next month is gonna rock.

Seussical is my love right now. I seriously think it's one of the best musicals our school has ever put on. The sound system does suck, though. Luckily I can hear everything from the pit, but we're not the target, are we? *sigh*

Tomorrow's gonna be choice, though. I can feel it. ^_^


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