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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Good times

I remember the good old days. The days of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pokemon, and Power Rangers. I loved it. Over the last week or so these memories have come flooding back to me. First came the thoughts of TMNT. With the new movie coming out, TMNT, (click here if you don't have Quicktime) a pretty sweet looking flick, I got remembering the old movies. I watched them all the time, and haven't seen them in ages. Molly and I got talking, and decided that we wanted to watch the oldschool one again, so plans are being made, of which I am very excited about.


Okay, here I am again several days later, finishing this post. The TMNT movie went down without flaw... minus the part where I ate off of Nick's plate and fork. mmmm Nick.... Anyway, it was pure genious; whoever made that movie should be praised, its so cool. Molly, if you see this, we need to watch the second movie very soon. That was too much fun.

Anway, back to the post. Yes, the memories. So, a while back I was reminded of the goodness of Power Rangers. I got thinking about them somehow, and I went as far to research the oldschool seasons on Wikipedia. It was so pro. I read all about the Rangers I grew up with, and Queen Rita and the works. Things I had completely forgotten about came back to me, and it made me really wanna see the madness again. It was so good. All of you Power Rangers fans out there, don't give up hope. Let them live on in your memories. And here, to top it off, here is the origional intro. So primo. I loved that show so much. The green/white Ranger was my favorite. I even had the white ranger's sword for a toy. It was so cool, I played with it all the time. I wish there were some way to watch all those old episodes again, that would be so primo. Maybe Limewire...I'll have to check.

Another awesome thing that I grew up with was Pokemon. I got talking to Molly and some other people about Pokemon somehow, and I couldnt help but remember my days after elementary school watching Ash, Brock, and Misty out on their adventures. I could even recall a lot of the theme song. (8)I want to be the very best, like noone ever was. To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause! (8) Oh man, I was into the show, for sure. Up throw the third or fourth season, I was going strong. I even got into the cards quite a bit, although I really never had that many comparatively. I was very proud of my collection though, I thought I was so cool. Oh, and Molly, I did bring my cards to school that one day, I just never got around to showing anyone but Nick. Aahhh, I loved that show so much. Team Rocket was so eeeeviiiillll!! Pikachu was domination, and Ash was just my idol. Thats all there was to it. Meowth, thats right!

(As a side note, If you wanna here the origional theme song, click here and listen. The movie is good for some laughs too, minus a few...lets say, lame parts.)

I sorta got into the Yu-gi-oh show too towards the end of the first season. I liked the show. By no means was I interested in the cards, but I did enjoy the show. Anywhom...

Those three shows practically raised me. Those were the good old days. Expect more on this topic soon, I will be expressing my love for another part of growing up: Nintendo.


At 6:12 PM , Blogger M-smash said...

Me too. To all of the above. What can I say? Its addictive.
Legends are born of these things...

I still have the Yu gi oh theme song....Plus, I saw that video for pokemon...and was gonna post it on mine, but you did it for me!

Uh hello! How come I didnt get to see those cards?

So I hear we're doing another TMNT party. Is this correct? Because any rumors must be dispelled to not cause any anguish at a later date.

Oh and it would be cool to do power rangers then too if you wish.

-She-ra Princess of Power

At 7:19 PM , Blogger Courtney said...

i watched pokemon. mainly just when i visited my cousin tho. i was a lamewad, i didn't hang out with boys and i don't have brothers. we watched shows like...umm...oh! darkwing duck! and chip and dale rescue rangers! and let's not forget talespin! oh man, gotta love shows like that...

*sigh* the good old days.


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