So one studly muffin says to another studly muffin...
Today was primo. I don't think today could have gotten much better. I had early morning seminary, where I was enlightened beautifully. I helped Tania with her physics, which surprised me, seeing how I actually figured stuff out ( :O ! ) It was pretty sweet action. Then I had computer tech, and that was tech.
But then, oh boy. Jr. Choir. I am LOVING that class. As of Tuesday, my range has gone up about 4 notes. Somehow I changed the way I sing, and my notes aren't nearly as pinched and nasty sounding as they used to be. Granted, they aren't perfect and "on top of the note" as T would say, but I can hit them very firmly and moderately well. (Very well compared to how I used to sing, for sure.) We got new chairs, which is pretty hot. I am saddened though, that I can't walk around the class now on the seat of the oldschool chairs. That was half of my choir experience :( But its all good, a minor set back, seeing how now I can actually sing. yay.
So yeah, choir was good fun. I even broke out of my shell during the announcement-mingling of students, and talked to....people, which was good. Several people in fact. I was way hyper the whole class, but under control. (ish) :D All-around great times, for one and all. Levi, what a studly muffin.
Then we had lunch, and thats always good fun. Nick and I had some good kicks and giggles at the end of the table by our lonesome, I quite enjoyed myself. We played some Frisbee after that, and that was great. We have some great potential in the Frisbee department. Peter, who can do thumbers like nobody's business, Benji, he's got hammers down pat. Nick and his wheels of death, and Brad with his biscuits. Oh man. Great stuff. Thatcher...well, he's diabetic.
Next up, Rockwell. How cool is he? Pretty cool, I must say. He went off on a primo tangent of Bill Clinton, made fun of Scott Malone, AND kept that grin of his on his face the whole time. It was great. Who knew history, and the class thereof, could be so much fun? And then there is Glen. He was all over the Hi Ho situation, with the discussion of religion and such. Way too cool. Glen, you got all the ladies, for sure. Rock on. Oh, and I got to use the amazing hall pass again. I just love missing out on educational experiences because I have to tinkle. Its always done with a skip and a grin.
Then we had English with Parrish. Oh man, I love Parrish. So cool. We read act 3 of the Crucible today. I was Giles Corey, a crotchety old senile man. He started sobbing, and well, lets just say I had some fun acting his part. Nick got some laughs too, with his "roar" comment. So good. I love that kid. Parrish, the narrator of the play, says something to the effect of, "and the croud roars with dissaproval". And Nick, right on cue, "rar!" *silence from the class, laughter from Kyle* ...........10 seconds later................... *laughter from the rest of teh class* So good. Nick, what a stud. (lots of studs in this world, for sure.) Then I was freaking out about the play. Oh man, it gets intense. I wanted to jump into the play and slap some people around, cus really, they were making me very anxious. I was bouncing up and down, trying to yell out to the people, "its a lie, a liiiiieeeee. shun the non-beleivers!!!!!" But alas, I was just little old Giles, not able to do anything about it. I DID get to say something to the effect of farting on someone though. Who knew protestant people farted? Or farted on other people for that matter. ^0) Great fun, expect a good English response in the next few days.
Then came Suessical pit practice. Muy, muy bien. So some people dont really know how to play much, but wow. Somehow, I managed to play most of it, and most of it well. It was crazy. The best part is, it was Act 2 stuff. I suck at Act 2. But today, I was all over it. It was so fun. Then there was Nick, tooting away in his happy little Hulk-like way. That really just makes me smile. I love listening to Nick get into playing his Clarinet. It so fun and...happy inside :D You truly are Clarinick, brotha'. Yay for Suessical, I hope we can all get down and dirty with it and make it really good for all ya'lls. Its got great potential, very fun play.
So yeah. I just had a blast. All day was a party. A very educational, fun-packed party. And now I get to go to Mutual. Yay, that should be fun. Rick is a studly muffin, I love that kid. I'm glad he's in my english class, cus wow. How cool is he. Pretty cool.
So yeah. Lots of studly people. Peter, Nick, Rick, Glen..oh, Glen... Peter....I said him already, but he gets two votes, cus he's just that amazing. Go my favorite sports team, go.
Thanks Kyle, you're my hero, though; you're like... monolithic. I really like that word :D
Mostly I like it 'cause you're really tall. Teehee.
And yeah, I might be cool, but I can't hold a candle to Glen/Peter/Austin/...lots.
Good times... goooood times.
Wow, nice post. I'm glad you had such an intense day. Go go go bravery in Junior Choir. Go go go Kyle's singing skills.
Go go go pancreas?
Nick: "No"
Me: "Awwwwwwwwwwww..."
Rahaha, just kidding, nice post. Keep up the good work, keep rocking on.Wootzorz.
Oh, I forgot to mention the coolest thing ever in English. Even better than my rantings as Giles Corey and Nicks "rar" comment. Levi was forced against his will to play the part of John Proctor. Oh man, let me tell you. Nobody could have played the part better. Levi's personality just fix perfectly. Every time he talked, whether his statement was serious or not, I just busted up laughing. I love that kid. And then there is James. Zero energy, also reading against his will. So funny.
Oh, and thanks for the comments. Today really was amazing. Yay for friends and fun classes. Oh, and music. Music does wonders for the soul. :P
i love life, life loves me. let's take another trip to disneyland! (8)
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