My angry 1 AM post for the week:
People nowadays make things way too complicated. Chapstick for example: an unnecessary waste of money and time. If your lips or dry, drink some water. And if you do use it, use it every once in a while. Dont eat it. Another one: cell phones. Talk to people face to face at school. If you cant talk to them face to face, then you shouldnt be texting them anyway. They are somewhere else that you shouldnt be concerned with anyway. And if you need to call someone, find a phone in an office somewhere. There is always a phone for your use at the school somewhere. Another useless commodity of today is diet. If you think you are fat, don't complain about it and starve yourself of things you like to eat. Do something about it that will make a differnece in the way you look and feel. Eat the things you like, but eat them with a balance of things that are good for you, and dont eat a ton of that stuff. A little bit will do. Then you just have too get off your chair, and excercise. Real food and sweat. Thats the only real diet.
(As you can tell I'm really tired and irratable right now. Its after 1, and I should be in bed.)
And another thing. Dotn give a crap about whats going on in the life of celebreties. Why know someone's life story, pant size, and marriage situation, when all they do for you is give you a little bit of entertainment on the tv. People worship people like Orlando Bloom...and why? Its cus they think he's hot and because he can act well. Why know everything about that random person of hte least significance to you, when they dont care at all about you? You dont see celebreties watching shows like Extra! and E Entertainment or whatever its called with you as the star of the show. "The top story today is Chris' dire situation as Homecoming approaches. Stay tuned to see what became of this tragic event." No, they dont do that. But people all over the world tune in to the tv to watch a 5th or 18th wedding of some 'hot' celebrity. The wedding is going to last 5 minutes people!!! Dont spend your time watching their freaking billion dollar wedding, that you helped to pay for by going to their movie a dozen times. Seriously people, live your own lives.
Whatever, do what you want. Go buy a 70,000 dollar Hummer. I'll go get a car that gets better gas mileage AND house for that much, sucka-foo. I'll get to wherever you wanna go just as fast.
How do you like them apples? ..........Its bedtime. Forget this happened.
Dire situation is right.
Chapstick is necessary, but ingestion is not. Water doesn't heal my lips when they get all chapped and angry, but my lip balm definitely does.
Celebrities I agree with. They're not really all that important. I dunno, get some friends and find out what they do on the weekends.
I do agree with your diet statements. Exercise is the key here. I tend to think that any diet that changes the way that you eat substantially is a bunch of hud.
Yeah, eat healthy, but that doesn't mean eat less. Eat more, exercise more. Changing food isn't the answer, changing your lifestyle is.
So, in short, go to bed and don't be so angry. Sleep is good for you. Drink more water, you'll feel better.
Cell phones are useful. Text messaging is useful to a point, abused beyond all recognition though. I love the convenience of a cell though. It's just so easy to call my mom from my backpack instead of the front office. yea verily, be nice to the cell phone and it'll be nice to you. Text with a cell phone, and it'll enslave you like some sort of high-efficiency-enslaving-device.
I see your point about the chapstick and the cell phones. They are conveniences, not necessities that must be used every second of the day. If my mom went crazy and got me a cell phone, then you wouldnt see me texting on it or taking it out of my pocket every 15 seconds. It would be used to call people when necesarry; nothing that I wouldnt use a phone for from home. That is all.
Hehe, that's what I thought before I had a cell phone. Now I guess I'm one of the guilty ones. Although, true, a lot of the time it's totally pointless. I do like talking to people face to face or at LEAST with voices, rather than communicating through buttons, but for some reason a lot of people don't, and I kinda gotta play by their rules.
wow. remind me to never anger kyle. oh my goodness. i like chapstick. it makes my lips feel good. :D and i like my cell phone. i feel i am set into a third catagory, concerning texting. i have 200 texts on my plan. and that's it. i've only gone over once, and that was bad. and i swore never to do that again. i only text when it's absolutely necessary. and it is really nice to be able to call my mom from my bag, or when i'm spending time in logan to be able to keep in touch with my friends. if i'm taking my cell phone out of my pocket every fifteen seconds, it's mainly to check the time. not many people call me, or text me for that matter. mainly jaron, and kortney...sometimes alan. but that's it!
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