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Monday, October 02, 2006

English Response: Secrets

I hope that this post will work. It'll be kicks and giggles if it does.


It is my opinion that no good has ever come of keeping secrets. I like so-and-so. I killed so-and-so. So and so killed me. You know, the usual secrets. No good ever came from keeping those things to your self. If you tell someone your secrets, then things will always turn out better for you in the long run, guaranteed.

In the Crucible, terrible things happened because secrets were kept. Take John Proctor for example. He had an affair with some teenage girl when he had a wife and kids at home. He kept it secret until it couldn’t be kept secret any longer. His wife found out in the end, and then he was really in for it. Because he hadn’t fessed up to his sin, he lost a lot more trust with his wife than he would have had he come out and told her to begin with. He couldn’t even go out of the house for more than a few hours without his wife being suspicious of his actions. When he even mentioned the name Abigail, she freaked out and got angry at him.

The same thing happens in real life. When people have a secret that shouldn’t BE secret, then they should tell someone as soon as possible. It may cause them embarrassment and/or shame, but it will get the problem out in the open. In the long run, the outcome will be better for someone who tells all than someone who keeps things concealed. This is one of my life goals: don’t dwell on secrets. I will tell someone who needs to know things that I could otherwise keep secret. It will benefit me and the other person greatly.



At 3:12 PM , Blogger Courtney said...

good work kyle. i agree with you.

At 10:36 PM , Blogger CJThatcher said...

I have a secret to tell...

I've got a crush on mrs. dean.

At 5:18 PM , Blogger Combat Kyle said...

Well, at least the cat's out of the bag :D


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