Stem Cells: The Other White Meat
K, so this is my first post in ages. I just got on Google News because I was afraid that I don't know enough current events for the AP tests coming up, and I read an article about a proposed bill that would eliminate the restrictions to do stem cell research that Bush put up in 2001. The new Democratic Congress thinks they will be able to pass this bill with the majority that they have now. Well, the reason I am writing this post, is to state my opinion on the matter. Take it for what it is; my own, unbiased opinion. Argue it with me if you want, smile and nod, or just go on with your merry lives. Just don't criticize the way I think.
Reading this article, I got two impressions:
First, I thought about how great curing certain ailments and medical conditions would be. I mean, doing this research could ultimately cure my good friend Thatcher of his "diabetus". Yes, we couldn't make fun of him anymore for it; no more poking fun at his regular shots, asking the question, "does that sting?" just to irk him. No more snide comments about the 5 dozen bunches of bananas that he eats every day. No more peanut-butter blood. Shame for us, less hassle and longer, more comfortable life for Chris. Boo/Hooray. Mostly hooray :D
People worldwide could be cured of terrible things that they have to deal with every day. They would no longer have to accept that there is no cure for their ailments. They could live with hope of someday being cured, and living normal (medically speaking) lives.
But second, I thought about what the cost of this would be. One stem cell could save the lives of who knows how many people who are constantly living in a state of agony or crapped out blood sugar. The only problem comes when you look at what a stem cell really is. Are stem cells alive? Is there some form of life in that cell? Is using that stem cell, and killing it, murder?
That is where the debate comes in. Some people say that the cell is nothing but a bit of bio-matter, which could potentially grow into something some day. I think its murder. I believe that there is life in that cell, and that the mere fact that that cell will be a baby human some day, makes the use of that cell murder. Even though it would be for a good cause--to potentially save another's life--it would only be killing another living person to do so.
My view of abortion is the same. Its a baby. Let it live. Killing it is the same crime as dropping a baby of a balcony, as Michael Jackson is wont to do. Its murder, plain and simple. How can killing a baby be justified? I can only think of maybe three rare cases in which is would be. In the case of rape, if the fetus didn't have any chance of living anyway, or if having the baby would kill the mother, then abortion can be considered (maybe not even in the last one life for another).
I guess this point of view is somewhat Republican, if I'm not mistaken. Even if its not, thats my opinion, and I'm sticking with it. I hope that Congress won't be able to pass the Bill, because doing so would only be the murder of who knows how many people. Yay for Bush and his stand for morality :D