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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Day 3

One of the things that I liked about this book was the connections I could make with the characters' personal lives. In this particular book of the series, there is a lot of flirtatious-like romances among the young people. They are only are year or two older than I am now, but back then that was marrying age. The author wrote so much about these circumstances because I think he wanted readers to realize just how it was. I mean, if it had been me back then, I could be married within the next year or two. Its funny, just because the things they do seem rather... well, I don't want to say immature, because a lot of it is stuff that I do myself, but it is kind of. There are several characters who like someone else, and they get hurt when they realise that that person likes someone else. They funny thing is, these people are all pretty close, like really close friends or even family through marriage. But its always jsut back and forth, and it deffinately brings out the teenage girl in the characters. They get all angry and emotional and depressed. I see a lot of that in today's world. It makes me giggle, but at the same time, the author really did a good job of connecting the story to young readers like myself. I can really relate to a lot of it myself. Fun fun fun.


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